Coaches & Consultants! Want to build visibility with a podcast? 

But you're not sure where to start? Or, whether you have everything in place? Take the 'Are You Ready To Launch?' Quiz!

PLUS: Get access to our Podcasting Masterclass:
From Invisible to Influential Trusted Authority with a Podcast for Coaches & Consultants

    The good news is a podcast WILL build your visibility, BUT... the BEST new is with the RIGHT strategy in place your podcast can also help you:

    Build your Visibility

    Create a unique an uncopyable Listener Experience and a podcast your ideal client wants to listen and subscribe to. Build an audience of your ideal clients.

    Build your Reputation

    Become known as an influential Trusted Authority, with compelling content your audience values and can't wait to learn more from you. 

    Build your Revenue

    With the right strategy, your podcast can become an integral lead generation tool for your business. Nurture listeners into leads - even from your first episode. 

    About Annemarie Cross

    Annemarie Cross is a Personal Branding & Podcast Strategist and Business Coach. She is also the CEO and Founder of Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network and Industry Thought Leader Academy, and author of Industry Thought Leader: From Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast.

    Dubbed ‘The Podcasting Queen,’ Annemarie is an award-winning podcast host and is recognized as a pioneer in the podcasting space having started her first co-hosted podcast in 2008. Her podcasts have been syndicated on both National and International Radio and listed among the top podcasts for Entrepreneurs and small business worldwide. 

    Recognised as one of the Top 20 Business Coaches in Melbourne - Australia, Annemarie works with consultants and coaches around the world helping them create distinguishable, uncopyable and irresistible brands so they're seen as not just A choice – but THE choice with their ideal clients. 

    With over 14 years’ experience in podcasting, which has seen her host and produce thousands of episodes, as well as receive nominations and awards for a few of her podcasts – Annemarie Cross has been recognised as a pioneer in the podcasting space and aptly dubbed: “The Podcasting Queen.”

    As a proponent of Authority Marketing I am regularly speaking at business conferences on the value of content and sharing how podcasting is one of the most sought-after content mediums you can create.

    As one of Australia’s leading podcasters and influencers – Annemarie walks the talk.

    - Adam Houlahan